MA Art in Science
Pawel Stachyra
Pawel Stachyra is an illustrator from Poland with a background in biomedical sciences. His research investigates the use of games in science communication.
“I have way too many hobbies and only seven days in a week, but if you are interested in my projects or would like to volunteer as a playtester, please do get in touch with me via social media.”

Belly Rumble – The Microbiota Tactics
“Belly Rumble – The Microbiota Tactics” is a 2-4 player tabletop boardgame designed to drive interest into the human gut health. The game experience is competitive, while linking to relevant research and introducing scientific terminology to springboard anybody interested in the topic to conduct their own research.
The game is fully playable in a late testing stage. The current iteration of the game is available in an open-source basis, and all the relevant files and rulesets can be found on the project’s webpage.