In a world of rapidly rising and migrating urban populations there is a palpable need for smarter, more inclusive and sustainable approaches to city planning, adaptation and spatial design. Liverpool is a creative city with a rich heritage of civic design and creative urban engagement.

As a post-industrial city in transition, a place of urban debate and experimentation, Liverpool becomes an urban laboratory examined along the course, from design to live projects, essays and thesis development. The programme will address questions around engagement with public space, culture, and well-being in a range of contexts driven by the exploration of alternative sustainable strategies for designing our way into the future.


Domenico Baldwin
Srushti Bhosale
Srushti Bhosale
Srushti Bhosale
Srushti Bhosale


MA Urban Design
2 / 8
MA Urban Design
5 / 8
MA Urban Design
6 / 8
MA Urban Design
8 / 8
