On the Masters in Fine Art we focus on supporting students in developing their artistic practice, as a singular artistic voice. We grapple with key questions of art practice and its social and cultural contexts. Through a dynamic rhythm of experimenting, testing and presenting we unpack relationships between experience, ideas and artistic forms.

What kinds of space does our work (need to) exist in, in physical form and in interrelation with immaterial spaces of contemporary art and culture? Who does our work speak to, and with what kind of voice? Together we engage in these questions through doing and making. We work as a close-knit group to generate a high level of discussion and reflection, creating events, collaborations and exhibitions in exciting sites across the city. None of us is ever working alone, and so through all of these activities we are also building networks between students and with arts professionals working in Liverpool and beyond.

All these experiences are designed to equip students with a wide range of competences and skills and the confidence to make their way as arts professionals. The work presented here demonstrates how strong the students are as individual artists and as a group who have supported each other in producing a powerful and beautiful body of work. 


Abbie Bradshaw
Cos Ahmet
Linda James
Gary Finnegan
Karen Halewood
Bradley Dawson

