
02/06/2019 - 05/06/2019


The Truman Brewery, London



We spend our lives digitising our physical selves, morphing and programming into virtual avatars, an ALTER-EGO, asking new academic questions of the world.

Is it REAL? Is it PHONY? Is it still FAKE? Does anybody actually care? We are still CONSUMED, trying to sustain or abstain from the UNSUSTAINABLE, but still our daily aesthetic regime grows in stature. We agree FUR is treacherous but cannot agree on Leather – just like being BRITISH or BREXIT. GDPR and new virtual regulations manage the unknown – our privacy, a published 20 year dossier of motion tracking. We are engaged, we are mobilised, we are energised, we are INTERACTIVE and POLITICIANS. We swipe right, then zoom in, we monitor, track, jack and hack. We comment, we post, we argue, we shout – we LOG OUT. We copy, duplicate, share, pin and LOG IN. We CRAFT using TRADITION and CULTURE as part of our new digital toolbox, with our APPROPRIATED ideas reserving a special place on all of our PUBLIC meeting agendas. RESPECT. We IMMITATE, but can we still CREATE?

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